昨天接到Ellen的訊息 想必大家正在為了理出論文的頭緒 一遍茫然吧!

不過我也相信 經過這麼多PMA的洗禮


大家都上過RM了嗎? 應該對於怎麼寫論文有了基本的認識

下面貼上 我之前supervisor給我的structure希望對大家有用~


不過我要先說 不是每個人 論文的每個部份都一樣


你的research question 會影響到你整個架構(做質化還是量化研究?)


(那樣會激怒他很愚蠢 因為你老闆握有你過不過的生殺大權)

老闆最大 他說怎樣就怎樣喔~

上面的字數 是我老闆對我的要求 不代表你的

聰明的孩子們 請用這個當大綱 去問你們的老闆更具體的問題

諸如 我的LR要幾個parts幾個字 要用什麼樣的RM.....


如果你對你的research question還不太瞭解


如果你有了題目 沒有頭緒 請勇敢的多問你老板“具體”的問題


請不要問老闆我這樣寫好不好 因為英國人很懶 會和你說好 然後當掉你



還有 老闆有義務 一個月至少和你連絡一次

(換句話說 每個月 你都會寫的東西請老闆幫你改)

如果 你找不到他兩三個月了 請寫信給Dr.Er

看是要換老闆 還是請Dr.Er幫你找他

但是 也請記得 信要好好寫 要委婉 該要求的要要求 可是不可以撕破臉


以上 如果你有不懂又茫然的地方 歡迎你們找我討論囉!!

祝大家  順利戰勝論文 開心畢業


好了 廢話結束 guideline 送上


Dissertation structure


  1. Title page


  1. Acknowledgements


  1. Contents Page


  1. Abstract/Summary

This is just a very brief summary of your key findings.  What the essence of your findings are.  Do not write this until the dissertation is finished.  You are looking at say 200 words.  It provides the reader with a benchmark and understanding with relation to what your project believes to be the case.


  1. Introduction

Introduce the field of study.  What are you going to be looking at and why?  What are the key questions you are asking and why?  Then go on to briefly describe what each chapter/section will be discussing.  Tell me what you are going to tell me. 500-1000 words


  1. Methods and Sources of data

This is a short section simply telling me how you gathered your data, why you did it in a certain way (i.e. Why a focus group and not a structured questionnaire) and from where and whom to did get the data from.  3000  words


  1. Literature Review

This section reviews and critiques a range of literature relating to your area of interest.  Make it as wide ranging and as up-to-date as you can.  When reading your books journals etc see if you can start grouping various writers who are saying essentially the same thing together.  You are looking for ‘Schools of thought’.  Use a few subsections to help you cover key topic areas.  It will help you keep things under control and it helps lead the reader through your thinking.  Always try and clearly show who you agree/disagree with or find fault with and why (show support and be objective).  Identify really important writers and say why.  Also clearly show how writers have helped direct your study/thinking and view-point.  Don’t just write an observational piece, analyse. 4000-7000 words


  1. Case study (optional and can appear in an appendix to avoid high word count)

Case studies are essentially narratives that illustrate or highlight some event or happening.  They are stories from the field that provide the reader with an example/s of an event or context.  For example your dissertation may be looking to compare and contrast to exhibition designs.  The case studies will literally tell the story and inform the reader about the exhibitions.  When they were developed, why, what their objectives were, how people reacted, problems that arose etc.  They do not involve analysis they just tell the story.  By all means use quotes from people, books and other sources as well as pictures etc to illustrate clearly what you are describing. 2500-5000 words (depending on number of cases)


  1. Findings and Discussion (can form more than one chapter)

This chapter highlights key findings and discusses the research questions.  It draws together all the work from the literature, case studies as well as interviews, questionnaires etc.  Here you have to argue your case using all the data available to you.  Ask yourself questions like: What happened, what does this mean in the context of my question, what might happen and why, how can things be improved, what might happen in the future etc.  You are having a debate that is objective, analytical and academic.  Use quotes from literature and from your field studies (interviews, observation etc) to help you make your point.  You are looking to provide evidence for your argument.  It is not good enough to say something is so just because you believe it to be. 4000-7000 words


10.  Conclusion.

Here you explain what you did, why, how and clearly highlight your key findings. 2000-3000 words.


Bibliography and Appendices then follow


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